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电话: 13132377913
姓名: 许芳芳

  Suntan is a Hong Kong based manufacturer of Trimming Potentiometers, Capacitors, Varistors. It was founded in 1978 and now have 4 factories in mainland China with over 1500 workers. The increasing market demand of our product enable us expand production line continously for wide range of Capacitors, including Tantalum Capacitors, Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, Film Capacitors, Ceramic Capacitors, Mica Capacitors, Trimmer Capacitors etc.

主要产品/业务: 电容器、电池、变压器

潮港科技有限公司 / 重庆 / 重庆市江北区 () / 电话:13132377913


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